By Eduardo Malta (Instituto Socioambiental/ ISA), Danielle Celentano (ISA), Rodrigo Junqueira (ISA), Aline Ferragutti (ISA), Andrea Ono (ISA), Beatriz Murer (ISA), Denise Costa (ISA), Diego Lucena (ISA), Elisângela Xipaia (ISA), Emerson Cadete (ISA), Giovanna Bernardes (ISA), Juliano Nascimento (ISA), Luciano Eichholz (ISA), Matheus Rezende (ISA), Milene Alves (ISA), Diego Lucena (ISA), Anabele Gomes (Universidade de Brasília / Rede de Sementes do Cerrado/RSC), Cibele Santana (RSC), André Benedito (consultant), Maria Eduarda Camargo (RSC), Natanna Horstmann (RSC), Pedro Guimarães (Terrakrya), Laura Antoniazzi (Agroicone), Edézio Miranda (Agroicone), Henrique Oliveira (Agroicone), Daniel Vieira (Embrapa), Bruna Ferreira (Associação Rede de Sementes do Xingu / ARSX), Claudia Araújo (ARSX), Renato Nazário (ARSX)
Inspired by nature and learning from the traditional knowledge of indigenous peoples, the Instituto Socioambiental (ISA), a non-profit Brazilian civil society organization established in 1994, has embraced the direct seeding ‘Muvuca’ restoration method through direct seeding. Muvuca is a mix of seeds from dozens of native species at different successional stages, planted all at once to mimic natural regeneration mechanisms, such as the seed soil bank and the seed rain. This innovative system employs a high diversity of species and ensures operational efficiency, enabling mechanized and manual restoration with reduced planting and maintenance time and costs [1].
The Muvuca mix of native seeds for restoration. (Photo: Guilherme Pompiano/ ISA/ Redário).
The ‘Muvuca’ method can be employed in many manners: for planting entire areas, densifying or enriching natural regeneration and seedling plantations, establishing restoration nuclei, and creating silvicultural and regenerative Agroforestry Systems [2],[3]. Plant selection involves tens of species chosen for both ecological and economic interests, as well as biocultural values. The economic benefits of areas restored with Muvuca include short-cycle crops in the initial years, timber, fruits, other non-timber forest products (NTFP), as well as carbon credits and biodiversity credits. Planting can be done manually or mechanized using tractors and agricultural planters, enabling scalability and up to 20 times faster planting compared to saplings, at a much lower cost [4]. With its ecological and economic benefits scientifically stated [5],[6], the methodology is eligible for Carbon accreditation under UNDCC standards [7]. Research, development and dissemination of the Muvuca method throughout Brazil is thrusted by the movement - 'Caminhos da Semente' (Seed’s Path Initiative), that gathers civil society organizations, government agencies, seed networks, cooperatives, companies, universities, and research institutions since 2018.
Photo sequence of forest restoration by direct seeding using the Muvuca method in the Brazilian Amazon, from start to a 10 years old ecosystem.
Direct seeding with Muvuca requires substantial seed quantities. Seed collection and processing are labour-intensive activities, creating job opportunities and income for local communities in their territories and establishing a value chain that conserves ecosystems [8]. Beyond ecological benefits, Muvuca restoration fosters the development of a community-based native seed supply chain known as Seed Networks. [2],[3] Seed networks promote conservation, development, and well-being in territories for indigenous peoples and other traditional communities, as well as for family farming. Eighteen years ago, from ISA’s campaign Y Ikatu Xingu (“Save the Xingu’s good water”) spun off the Rede de Sementes do Xingu (Xingu Seed Network), which has now become an independent organization internationally recognized for its work, supplying 65 tons per year of seeds from 130 species for restoration. Many seed collector groups and networks have emerged in Brazil, and in 2022, the Redário was born to support their professionalization and market access.
The Redário is an articulation between networks and groups of seed collectors aimed to enhance positive socio-environmental impacts of restoration projects in Brazil. It emphasizes fair trade, collaboration, wide genetic diversity, and traceability. The native seed businesses generate income and employment for communities in their territories, particularly for women. It creates opportunities for innovation and professional growth from young to elderly individuals across various fields, from seed-related technical aspects to accounting, marketing, and communication. They enable economic diversification for these populations, improving their living conditions and social resilience. The quilombola, riverside, indigenous, geraizeiros, rural, and urban communities of seed collectors supply for effective and economical ecological restoration, while the seeds carry the values of conserved territories, traditional knowledge, and social inclusion in the fight against the climate emergency.
Seed processing (photo credit: Paulo Plá/ Redario / ISA).
Redário supports the professionalization of seed networks’ governance, contracts, management, capacity building, knowledge dissemination, meetings and exchanges, law compliance, and other fronts. We also connect researchers in native seed and restoration fields to enhance techniques, analyses, and influence public policies that allow community-based and direct seeding initiatives (Check out our latest Technical Note in Portuguese HERE). Currently, Redário involves 25 articulated seed networks and around 1,200 participants. Up to 2023, Redário traded more than 63 tons of seeds from 275 native species. This generated an income higher than 2.5 million Brazilian reais for the collectors and provided support for the restoration of 11,000 hectares through Muvuca in over 95 projects in different Brazilian Biomes (Amazon, Cerrado, Atlantic Forest, and Caatinga).
Challenges in promoting the Muvuca restoration method include cultural barriers and the unfamiliarity of most restoration practitioners in Brazil with the technique. Additionally, supporting native seed networks poses a significant challenge as it requires a lot of trust and an essential balance between seed demand and supply. Often, demands arise at the last minute, lacking the advance notice that this seed collection process requires due to natural conditions. Seed buyers of restoration projects need to be ahead of their native seed demand, placing early orders and establishing fair contracts with seed collectors’ organizations. Furthermore, the supply of native seeds for restoration encounters political and legal barriers characterized by inadequate requirements, a shortage of seed laboratories, and a lack of guidelines for testing the quality of native seeds.[11],[12] Finally, the value of the seed often falls short of covering all the costs required for the fair compensation of collectors and the accountability, legality, and governance of the process. To up-scale, additional financial mechanisms, such as tax subsidies, Payment for Environmental Services, and philanthropy, are still necessary.
Brazil has committed to ambitious restoration targets in various international climate and biodiversity agreements. Organized civil society, in collaboration with indigenous peoples, traditional populations, and local communities—the guardians of forests, fields, and savannas—has much to contribute collaboratively. The ‘Muvuca’ restoration method can contribute to scaling up restoration efforts, offering reduced costs and increased species diversity, thereby shaping an ecosystem with greater resilience. At the same time, the demand for native seeds creates a cycle of promoting conservation and well-being.
Aerial photo of the final moment of the second national meeting of Seed Networks promoted by Redário in 2023, in Brazil.
Efficient restoration is done with Muvuca of seeds and people
[1] Campos Filho, E.M. et al, 2013 Mechanized Direct-Seeding of Native Forests in Xingu, Central Brazil. Journal of Sustainable Forestry.
[2] Campos Filho, E.M. et al, 2017. Guia da Muvuca - O passo a passo da semeadura direta de mixes de sementes para restauração ecológica. (Muvuca Seeding Guide - Step by Step for mechanized direct seeding of seed mixes for ecological restoration). DOI 10.13140/RG.2.2.31482.59842
[3] Vieira, DLM; et al. 2020. Guia de semeadura direta [livro eletrônico] : para restauração de florestas e cerrados. Caminhos da Semente.
[4] Raupp, P.P., et al., 2020. Direct seeding reduces the costs of tree planting for forest and savanna restoration. Ecological Engineering.
[5] Freitas, M.G. et al., 2019. Evaluating the success of direct seeding for tropical forest restoration over ten years. Forest Ecology and Management.
[6] Rodrigues, S.B., et al 2019. Direct seeded and colonizing species guarantee successful early restoration of South Amazon forests. Forest Ecology and Management.
[7] Verra Project Summary:
[8] Urzedo, D, et al. 2021 . Indigenous and local communities can boost seed supply in the UN decade on ecosystem restoration. Ambio.
[9] Urzedo, D, et al. 2020. Seed Networks for Upscaling Forest Landscape Restoration: Is It Possible to Expand Native Plant Sources in Brazil? Forests.
[10] Schmidt, I.B., et al. 2018. Community-based native seed production for restoration in Brazil - the role of science and policy. Plant Biology.
[11] de Urzedo, D.I., Fisher, R., Piña-Rodrigues, F.C.M., Freire, J.M. and Junqueira, R.G.P. (2019), How policies constrain native seed supply for restoration in Brazil. Restor Ecol, 27: 768-774.
[12] Redário e Comitê Técnico de Sementes Florestais. 2023. Desafios e oportunidades para o desenvolvimento da cadeia produtiva de sementes nativas para a restauração de ecossistemas no Brasil. Nota Técnica. 18p.